Frequently Asked Questions?
When will I start seeing results?
A weekly treatment for 8 weeks is recommended to achieve optimal results. Followed by a monthly maintenance treatment.
Can IPL damage my skin?
IPL won’t damage your skin when used appropriately, even on sensitive areas! The Beam uses skin-sensing technology that automatically and continuously adjusts the flash power to your skin tone. It won’t flash if the skin tone is not suitable for IPL.
Sun exposure before I use my IPL?
If your skin tone got darker due to artificial or natural tanning and there is not skin irritation, you can use The Beam! It will automatically adjust the energy level to suit your skin tone. It will also tell you if your skin has become too dark for IPL.
Sun exposure after I use my IPL?
For 24 hours after IPL treatment, we recommend avoiding exposure to artificial light sources (tanning booth, solarium) and activities or skin products that may irritate your skin. Use sunscreen SPF15 when treated areas may be exposed to sun.
Is the hair loss permanent?
You should see up to 80% hair removal following the scheduled treatment plan. When using your device, you are destroying hair follicles that are currently in the ‘anagen’ hair growth phase. It is possible that hairs that were not in the ‘anagen’ phase during treatment will still grow. This is why we recommend doing maintenance treatment once every 1-2 months as needed.
Is the treatment painful?
Unlike laser hair removal, IPL or intense pulsed light hair removal is generally considered to be much safer and less painful. This is because IPL uses a multi-spectrum bulb vs a single-wavelength laser. You may feel a slight tingle in sensitive areas during treatment, but it should not be painful.
How often do I need to use my Beam?
Our general recommendation is using your Beam twice per week for the first two months to see permanent results and then once every 1-2 months as needed for touchup. There is no need to use it more than twice a week, as IPL is only effective in the growing phase of your hair cycle.
Where can I use my Beam?
The Beam is effective to use where most of your hair grows, including your arms, underarms, hands, legs, chin, neck, back, and bikini line.